Texas Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America

About Us
The purpose of Texas Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America is to help our members and their families, veterans, and all people with disabilities with accessibility issues, civil rights, VA benefits, transportation issues, and new laws to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Texas PVA also advocates for veterans and individuals suffering from spinal cord injury or disease in order to assist them in integrating into mainstream society and to open avenues towards living life to its fullest.
One of the ways that Texas PVA accomplishes its purpose is to promote the health and wellbeing of the disabled person. Paralyzed Veterans of America provides information and equipment to potential wheelchair athletes. Archery, basketball, boating, boating, football, sit-skiing, racquetball, rugby, swimming, tennis, track and field, and weightlifting are among the many sports and recreation activities in which our members can participate.
The Texas PVA, a congressionally chartered veterans service organization founded in 1946, has developed a unique expertise on a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of our members – veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction.
To enable Paralyzed Veterans of America to continue to honor this commitment, we must recruit and retain members who have the experience, energy, dedication, and passion necessary to manage the organization and ensure adequate resources to sustain the programs essential for Paralyzed Veterans of America to achieve it's mission.
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