Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Second Tuesday of Each Month
6:30 pm to approximately 8:00 pm
Bulverde City Hall
30360 Cougar Bend
Bulverde, TX 78163
Danny Batts, City Secretary
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Bulverde City Council Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and the public is invited to attend.
The Agenda is normally posted by 6:00 pm on the Friday before the meeting and can be located by clicking on the following link.
City Council Agenda
Printed courtesy of www.bulverdespringbranchchamber.com/ – Contact the Bulverde Spring Branch Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
121 Bulverde Crossing, Suite #115, Bulverde, TX 78163 – (830) 438-4285 – Office@BSBChamber.com