Thursday Oct 12, 2023 Friday Oct 13, 2023
Texas State University - LBJ Student Center
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
Parking is in the LBJ Student Center parking lot only. After registering on Eventbrite you will receive an emailed ticket that needs to be printed and brought to the event for parking access.
Admission is Free
Boyd Baxter
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The Family Summit on Opioid and Fentanyl Epidemic is a two-part series that will bring together families who have lost loved ones to drug poisonings or overdoses and provide an educational workshop on opioid and fentanyl poisonings. These families are working to prevent others from experiencing the tragic loss of a loved one that they have experienced. This regional summit will provide opportunities to share information, build connections, and foster collaboration between family groups, and other key sectors of their community. The Alamo Area Drug Prevention and Training (ADAPT) is hosting the family summit.
The first day, October 12th, will be for families to share their stories and have them documented by Texas Pictures Inc.
The second day, October 13th, is for community stakeholders and individuals to learn more about the opioid and fentanyl poisoning epidemic.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Bulverde Spring Branch Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
121 Bulverde Crossing, Suite #115, Bulverde, TX 78163 – (830) 438-4285 –