Camping is EZ - Small Business Spotlight
Camping is EZ - Small Business Spotlight

We are Matt & Samantha McKee! We created Camping is EZ out of our love for family adventures and making memories with our kids! Our business affords the opportunity for others to enjoy “Glamping” without the overhead of ownership. Currently, our fleet consists of a mid size fully stocked camper and a larger fully stocked unit with a separate bunkhouse room at the opposite end of the master suite.
Camping is EZ has become another family adventure with both Granddad’s doing the deliveries and pickups. It comes as no surprise our business has also created an opportunity to teach our children about entrepreneurship and how to earn their own money by identifying a demand and filling a need!

When you book your camper for your camping trip with Camping is EZ, you simply arrive at the campsite, where you are welcomed by your pre-set up and climatized camper just waiting for your enjoyment. When your camping is wrapped up, we come behind you, clean up the camper, and haul it away.
With Camping is EZ, camping really is EZ!
However, don’t limit yourself just to camping, these campers make great stays for cookoffs, competition events, as well as guest houses for your family gatherings!
Book your stay now @ !