GET WET FOR A VET - Motorcycle Poker Run - Dunk Tank
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 6, 2024
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Kickstands up at 10:30 am
$20 per rider.
(Ride route pending confirmation)Kick Stands Up @ 10:30
Breakfast served at 9am $$
Lunch at noon $$


April 6, 2024
Registration starts at 9:00 am
$20 per rider.
(Ride route pending confirmation)
Registration starts at 9:00 am
$20 per rider.
(Ride route pending confirmation)
Kick Stands Up @ 10:30
Breakfast served at 9am $$
Lunch at noon $$
Breakfast served at 9am $$
Lunch at noon $$
We will have a ton of raffle items. $1.00 a ticket.
Hand made Harley Davidson T-Shirt Quilt raffle $1.00 a ticket
Dunk booth $5 for 3 balls
50/50 Raffle
Hand made Harley Davidson T-Shirt Quilt raffle $1.00 a ticket
Dunk booth $5 for 3 balls
50/50 Raffle