Plant Swap

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
This event is offered by Mammen Family Public Library free of cost to the community.

Jump into the fall gardening season by joining us for a plant swap!
Bring plants, cuttings, seedlings, seeds, or usable pots/planters that you would like to share with other plant enthusiasts. Drop by the library anytime from 10:00am-11:00am on Saturday, October 14th to exchange your plant items. Please ensure that the plant items you bring are pest-free and labeled if possible. Any plants left behind at the end of the plant swap will be made available to others at the library's Plant Drop & Swap station.
Additional activities at the Plant Swap include:
- Ask-A-Master-Gardener: Stop by the Master Gardeners' table and ask your plant-related questions!
- Craft Station: Make some seed balls to take home or share. Sow the seed balls in the fall so you and the pollinators can enjoy native wildflowers in the spring.
- Hang around after the Plant Swap for the Annular Solar Eclipse viewing, which should appear a little before noon.
Check out the library's calendar page for more details.