Events Calendar
Honey Creek Guided Walk - at Guadalupe River State Park
Honey Creek State Natural Area Guided Walk - offered most Saturdays and Sundays.
Meet & Greet The PREP of Kinder Ranch
Come out and learn more about The PREP School at Confetti & Cream. You can support local and learn what makes The PREP so unique!
Memorial Day Ceremony
The VFW Post 12205 and the Auxiliary to the Bulverde Post 12205 will hold a Memorial Day Ceremony including the posting of the colors followed by planting of the American flags on the graves of our Veterans.
The Chase McGarity Memorial Day Festival
Join us for the Chase McGarity Memorial Day Festival hosted by Fallen Raider Audio on Sat. May 25th from 11 am to 10 pm. Live music all day, silent auction, give aways, booths, race cars and fellowship.